hello candies!
This products are relatively old,I bought it along with my Bright Fit BB Cream during Etude House Buy 1 Free 1 Sale.Why review so late?PROCASTINATION.haha and i bought new stuffs almost every week.
I don't have the boxes since i left it at my aunt's house back in KL,my apology readers.I remember the price is 41.90 MYR = 13 USD.I already bought one of this product range,click HERE.
I choose this pink shade because i think this shade will look great as a blusher also a tint on my lips.The second shade is actually orange in colour but it looks red in the picture.The pink shade is its actual colour though.
I love this invention,the design,the color,the packaging and even the smell.However i find that it is quite un-hygienic because dusts and fallen lashes or hair tend to stuck on the surface.I'll show you a picture below.
Just a light swatch,I want to show the true color/pigmentation of the products.I don't know why there's lump on the orange shade ┐( ˘_˘)┌ Usually,i use the orange shade as my blusher and lipstick.Trust me,it look good on the lips but the staying power is average.
The pink shade crease when i applied it on my lid but the orange doesn't. ಠ_ಠ Maybe its because of the different application technique.
\( ゚ヮ゚)/ multipurpose - cheeks,lips and eyelids
\( ゚ヮ゚)/ gorgeous smell!!
\( ゚ヮ゚)/ its long lasting on cheeks -> good cream blusher
\( ゚ヮ゚)/ cute packaging
\( ゚ヮ゚)/ reasonable price
┐(´-`)┌ Crease on the eyelids
┐(´-`)┌ doesn't long lasting on lips and eyelids
┐(´-`)┌ The packaging is un-hygienic
see you next time!! :)
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