Hi unicorns!!
I just received this foundation in the mail yesterday. My friend went to South Korea and I've asked her favor to purchase a few makeups that's unvailable in Malaysia. One of it is the Etude House Double Lasting Foundation.
A lot of vloggers claimed it to be better than the Big Cover Concealer BB. So I'm truly excited to review this product. It costs 20,000 won which approximately RM70.

The packaging is 100% different from Etude House's girly and cute concept. It reminds me a lot of the Banila Co. foundation that I've seen at my local Banila Co. counter. But I'm liking it! It comes in a frosted bottle with minimal decoration except for the color block fonts. It's sleek but slightly bulky and takes too much space.
My shade is tan; the darkest shade. I'm glad they have expanded the shade range from three to five. I believe they are Fair, Vanilla, Beige, Sand and Tan. Although tan is definitely NOT dark enough, it's a tad fairer than my skin tone. However it does oxidize after a few hours, making it match my real skin tone.

The pump is messy. It gets dirty easily and I have to constantly clean the stain. But the pump works wonderfully and its easy to control amount that I desire.

The foundation has a thin, liquidy texture. From the swatch, I've expected it to have a low to medium coverage. It's also quite ashy when I first applied it. I was bummed out but the ashiness goes away after a few hours. I dislike the scent! It smells like headache inducing perfume from a cheap brand.
Thankfully it's gone as soon as I put it on my face.

Freshly applied
Applied with damp sponge (L) / applied with flat top foundation brush (R)

3-4 hours later
Look how beautifully it sits on my skin gawdddd
I personally like it better when using the damp sponge. It gives more natural, skin-like finish but slightly low coverage. On the other hand, the brush gives more coverage, almost full. It looks ashy initially but it eventually oxidize. It's also wayyyyy less tacky than any Etude House BB creams. It's not fully matte but still it doesn't feel overly dewy, I say it has a velvet finish.
I've never been a fan of Etude House's base makeup. It's ALWAYS too dewy for me. Even the "Cover and Bright Fit" that I've reviewed HERE is not as good as this one. This foundation is a GAME CHANGER.
I am wearing this foundation while writing this review. It's about 5-6 hours since I've first applied it. It doesn't feel oily or greasy but it does transfer when I lightly blot my skin with a tissue. The foundation around my nose has also fade moderately.
Lovely foundation and I will absolutely use this foundation again soon.
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